Forum Rules
Breaking the following rules may result in a temporary ban, persistent breaking of the rules will result in a permanent and IP ban.
- While debating and discussion is fine, we will not tolerate rudeness, insulting posts, personal attacks or purposeless inflammatory posts. Our decision is final in these matters.
- Please refrain from posting meaningless threads, one word (or short) non-sense posts, or the such.
- Multiple or repeated posting in order to increase your post count is not allowed.
- Advertising, spamming and trolling is not allowed.
- Each member is allowed one login account. Registering with multiple accounts (sock accounts) is not allowed.
- Do not use only caps in your sentences.
- No warez, cracks, serials or illegally obtained copyrighted content! Links to content of a questionable nature, asking for, offering, or asking for help/helping to process such content in any way or form is not tolerated. Nude content will also not be allowed, keep it clean.
- Rep-trading or Rep-boosting will be considered fraud and will be answered with a rep-reset (back to 0) and an official warning. Use it the way it's meant to: Like the post, give rep.
- The official language is English, this is the only allowed language.
- Signature images are only allowed with a maximum resolution of 500x150 pixels.
- Signatures may be no longer than 10 lines.
- Avatars/icons are only allowed with a maximum resolution of 80x80 pixels.
Thank you for reading and enjoy the clan and forum!